miRacLe: Life is a box of Chocolates
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Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Life is a box of Chocolates

i am seeing things. i see people whom i am not suppose to see, not that i do not wish to but he should not be encapsulated in the same space between as me this point of time, but eventually he turns out to be not whom i thought i saw but the startling resemblance of whom i wish to see.

well, that rhymes.

life is such a huge amusing soap opera and the tormenting realisation is that you find out that halfway through the journey, it is one great korean soap opera unfolding in front of you.

you wake up in the morning and discovered that you have not gone too far from the starting point, and instead more unexpected events are waiting for you ahead, surprising but delightful. it peels off layer and layer inside you till you are stripped bare naked, exposing the most vulnerable and veracious core that have been hiding for long time and it left you bare and breathless.

yep, burnout can still be exciting.

this morning, i made a mistake by having breakfast with someone who has been ogling at my breasts throughout the entire meal. if not for my strict upbringing, i would have shoved that spoon up his nostrils.

now, curiosity sets in and i just wonder when can i steal glances of him again. and my delicate little fingers have started to itch again. maybe in the next few weeks, you will get a whole new blogging experience.

just remember to tune in everyday for the latest update. same time, same place.

i see you then. goodnight.


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Success is a lousy teacher.
It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose.
Bill Gates

It's not that I'm so smart
it's just that I stay with problems longer.
Albert Einstein

Don't take life seriously
because you can't come out of it alive.
Warren Miller

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