miRacLe: The Child in Us
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Monday, September 19, 2005

The Child in Us

i am bewitched.

it was so huge and lovely. the moon on the lunar fifteen never failed to enamor me since i was six. so bright and shinning like an enormous fat steaming pancake, i wanted to smash a hole through it using a catapult, so that my overly curious bright eyes could peep over it to see what was hiding behind that celestial mass.

sometimes i wondered, would my friends on the other side of the equator be gazing at the same moon, this lifetime, this moment with me? that our heads all tilted up at the same time, looking up into the beautiful starstudded midnight blue sky, wondering how each other was doing now, that we wished we could be gazing up at the same moon, side by side, this timeless moment.

i closed my eyes and took in a deep breathe. the late evening air smelled of dew and garland scent. the grasshoppers and crickets were strumming an autume orchestra for this festive occasion. we lighted up the whole place with colorful lanterns and candles at every corners we could find. he lighted a sparkler, reminiscing the old days when we were little kids, running and flunging each other onto the ground.

a friend from long ago joined us on this occasion. we talked like we always did since thirteen, fantasizing about the future, how far we would have gone from here, what aspects we could have better forseen for the future.

we found the little joys in life, just like we found ennui is the restless tapping of the foot on the ground, and a day sun tanning at the beach could leave us going home fresh and smelling like a rich chocolate fordue. and that the excruciation of emotions were all but little excitements to stimulate the essence of monotonous life.

we illuminated the area with more sparklers which burned and sparkled like the diamonds in the sky, beholding the tiny stars in our hands, watching it as the flame faded to a tiny glow, like the tiny hopes each of us been harboring about something we wanted so much in life, and wished that the fading glow be again rekindled into its once glorious life.

and when we have fallen along the way, we wished we could scream out loud to the ocean, and let the waves washed away all the pains. or named a stone of every single person we have cried over, and threw it into the sea and let the sorrows sank to the bottom of the seabed and never be found again. and that life was a huge soap opera, that we woke up the next morning to find everything was in place again, that the rainbow has arrived and the raging storm was over.

"how time flies." she said.

yes it did, my dear. it always did.


Blogger MyOrangeSweater chuckled...

Darling, when you are gazing at the moon, I am likely baking under the sun ... :D

Happy (belated) Mooncake festival!

8:29 PM  
Blogger Miracle chuckled...

haha. i know lah. but juz to make the flow smooth. hehe. i have too many frenzs overseas.

happy belated mooncake festival to you too. hope that day for you is full of joy too.


1:28 AM  

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