miRacLe: Be Proud of the Women Around You
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Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Be Proud of the Women Around You

Been grinding my teeth since this morning.

It is another day that reminds me again that I am a woman, that I am biologically different from the Adams.

Have heard from my gal frenzs about all the horror stories of child birth.

How the vaginal of the mother and umbilical cord is cut without using anaesthetic as the contractions are far more terrible.

How sometimes the labor can stretch as long as 42 hours.

How bloody the process is such that some husbands vomitted in the labor room.

And how the pain be 10 times more excruciating than the agonizing pain we experience every month.

And mine today is considered mild.

If I am to go into labor at this moment, I will probably ask the doctor to kill me. Coz normally I will experience horrible headaches than cramps.

Today, the pain is so agonizing that it feels as though a stick has been shoved up from the vagina into the stomach and twisted continuously inside the stomach.

Or that a huge worm is trying to eat its way out of the stomach, through the intestines and out towards the other end of the opening.

* ok.. ok.. I know I am gross *

Sometimes it is so bad that I actually stopped in the middle of my work, gripped the table very tightly, stopped breathing and let my body froze at that eternal moment.

Everyone of us has gone through pain at one point or another in our life.

I have suffered huge, swollen bruises, bone and veins twisted sprains and countless bloody, open wounds before during my track and field days, so bad that I limped in school for days and that a classmate has to carry me up the stairs coz I cannot bend my joints.

I have undergone a minor surgery to extract all 3 of my wisdom tooth at one go, and bled profusely for a day and night with a throbbing pain in my whole head and face.

I have went through orthodontic treatment before and wake up in the middle of the night coz my teeth is tugged so tightly and that my mouth is full of horrible uclers that I was jerked awake from my sleep.

But they are all unable to compare to the pain that is spread from the inner core of your body and outwards to the rest of it, that make you stop dead for a moment.

No wonder a woman's threshold of pain is many times better than man.

In future when I am in labour, I will make sure I bite hard on my husband's arm so as to share part of the pain with him.


So to all men, be proud of all the women around you.

After all, it is woman who has given birth to you, and it is also her who will bear your offsprings in the future.

Be a gentleman.

Show them that you love them and respect them.

Next time when you leave the room, remember to hold the door for her.

Or help her to carry her heavy bags when she went shopping.

Coz we really really appreciate it, and we will all love you if you do that.


Blogger DLAK chuckled...

Hi. How are you? You sound like your having some tough times. Dont worry about it. Someday we will all be dead and all of this will mean even less then it does now. (ha ha)Just kidding...cheer up sister better days is comimng.

1:50 AM  

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