miRacLe: I have a Dream
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Thursday, February 03, 2005

I have a Dream

I have a dream

That I was walking down the shore

Lost in the ocean breathe

Hearing seagulls sing and dance

A pebble washed up my feet

A beautiful stone it was

And I remember once I have the rarest stone

That vowed to shine the brightest and most beautiful for me

But I let it seeped through my fingers

And into the golden grains of sand once more

Oh how I wish I can turn back the clock

To relive that magical moment again

As I walk down the shore now

In hunt for that golden stone once more

Whatever will be will be


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Success is a lousy teacher.
It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose.
Bill Gates

It's not that I'm so smart
it's just that I stay with problems longer.
Albert Einstein

Don't take life seriously
because you can't come out of it alive.
Warren Miller

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