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Tuesday, August 09, 2005


last evening i accidentally kicked myself while crossing my legs. the pain is indescrible. a new pain eclipsing an old one. to put a full stop to all my endless desultory kvetch once and for all, it is time to go get a brazilian as well. i will throw in an additional epilation session for the rest of my body too, to purge all the inappreciable issues from my life once and for all. masochism has a certain appeal in this case. it is a therapy. not a sickness.

my pair of chopsticks is again stroking that piece of meat tenderly. that scrupulously seasoned and grilled to perfection slab of beef that even Pol Pot will melt at the sight of it. if you are seriously considering a dieting program to shed off those ounces of fats, forget about spending thousands of dollars in those paid to lie to myself programs. try falling out of love. free and results proven.

last week i recieved a letter of long service award from my company. i was over the moon when i first saw it. immaculately wrapped in my company's white envelope and carefully sealed, every inch of a reprehensible act of a deed wrongly done is reasserted. i thought it was a letter of apology from my management to me of those years for demeriting my efforts contributed to the company.

i was so wrong.

anyway, i was scanning through the miserable short list of items i could choose for my reward. there was not a single item titled 'Breasts Enhancement' program in sight. i knew from day one my human resource department has been negligent to the needs and welfares of the employees. now i am sure of it.

fear struck me all of a sudden. mixed with some pangs of anxieties. my heart beats so rapidly as though i have just seen a ghost. my newly bought and deliciously scented lavender oil is burning in the background. isn't it suppose to achieve that 'calming, soothing and relaxing' effect? probably only for my oil burner and the insects. i swear i have just seen an ant frozen in mid-path while crawling up the wall on its way back to its nest.

its label clearly stated: against animal testing.

i will file a report against the company to the world animal society for animal abuse tomorrow.


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Success is a lousy teacher.
It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose.
Bill Gates

It's not that I'm so smart
it's just that I stay with problems longer.
Albert Einstein

Don't take life seriously
because you can't come out of it alive.
Warren Miller

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