miRacLe: Dear Jean...
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Friday, March 25, 2005

Dear Jean...

Finally, after the long wait, jean, has went thru the operation to remove her tumor.

On Monday, she has checked into the ward, and I went down during lunch to give her my support and well wishes.

As usual, she smiled awkwardly and weakly, trying to hide her fear. She revealed that when the doctor was extracting some blood for a test, it was so painful that she actually cried. And her poor, anxious mother cried too when she saw jean crying.

We have a good laugh about it and I even told her that she should have given the inexperience doctor a good bite on her arms for doing such a lousy job =P

Tue came, and I visited her again after I knocked off. Jean's hair was pulled back up and bandaged together like a ponytail. Her dad even made a joke on how fashionable her hair was being tied up that way.

She has woken up but was feeling weak. Well... at least for her the worst is over.

And today I recieved good news from her hubby that the tumor is most likely to be a low grade one.


So much so for the ordeal.

She has juz been happily married and within half a year, she has to find out that she has a brain tumor.

Sometimes in real life, there is really no fairy tales, no happily ever after with no worries.

Her incident further acts as a wake up call for me.

Life is short. You never know what is going to happen tomorrow.

Why worry so much?

Go ahead to make attempts at things that you want to do, or gave a try even if there is only a slightest chance that something may works.

But of course for me, being brought up in a traditional chinese family, doing things my wilful way will definately invoked much objections from my family.

Do not ponder too much, as some frenzs said, eventually the problems that we foresee in the future may not happen after all.

It is good to take risks sometimes while you are still able to do so, instead of regreting it later in life, or when you can and realised you are unable to do so.


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Success is a lousy teacher.
It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose.
Bill Gates

It's not that I'm so smart
it's just that I stay with problems longer.
Albert Einstein

Don't take life seriously
because you can't come out of it alive.
Warren Miller

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