Baby Blues

went shopping alone that day.
i happened to see a lovely lovely sweet pinkish baby dress, and i have to kick myself really hard not to buy it for vivian's baby.
till now, we still do not know the sex of the baby.
she's into the end of her second trimester, and the doc is still not able to see if it is a boy or girl.
noti noti little sweetie, refuses to let we, the anxious aunties, know its sex.
juz last year, i came across this sweet, err... pinkish (again) coat and and it was on sale.
it was sooooo lovely and fluffy, with beautiful embroidery sewn on it but i have no little nieces and nephews, and i actually called up my sis and asked her when is she planning for a baby.
if it is soon then perhap i'll juz buy it and keep it till the kiddie is borned.
hehe. i am crazy.
anyway, vivian and i have been discussing ways and means to know the sex of the baby.
if the doc is unable to help, there's still the old wives' tales, methods and myths to discover the sex of the baby.
for example...
some mothers mentioned that if the belly of the pregnant woman is of oval shaped, then it is a boy. and vice versa.
some said that if it is more perky, than it's a boy. well.. perky? and if the bulge is sitting at the lower end towards the groin of the woman body, it is a girl.
if the pregnant mommy has bad pimples outbreak and other symptons, she has to be carrying a girl due to the hormonal changes.
but i heard before that it's the other way round for this.
hmm. let the aunties thrash out this theory then.
once, my frenzs and i tried an errie trick on my pregnant frenz.
we tied a red thread to her wedding ring and held it over her palm. shd it swing in circular motion, it is a baby boy. else it is a girl.
we have even closed up all doors and windows to make sure that the thread has moved not due to the wind.
in a few moments, the ring has actually started swinging in circular motion!!
and true enuff, when my frenz did her scan at the fourth month, the doc confirmed that it is a baby boy.
we were so proud then.
mom has oso revealed that during her times, she used to count rice grains to predict the sex of the baby.
grasp a small handful of rice grains, and start separating grains in twos from the piles till you are left with one or two grains left.
the odd number predicts that you are having a baby girl. even number of grains left mean you are having a boy.
mom counted for me and sis a few times and every time she always ended up with odd numbers of grains remaining.
when it came to my bro, she has even numbers.
but was fun anyway.
mom has oso mentioned that if the baby is 'hugging' the mommy tightly inside the belly, that is curl up inside the mother, it is a boy.
a baby girl usually rests in a more relax position, facing outwards which complements the chinese saying ... 'nue sheng wai xiang', meaning girls tend to love their hubby more than their parents.
and then there are other tales like, if you conceived on a certain odd (like mar) or even months (like june), combine with your age of even number as well, you are going to get a baby boy coming your way.
vivan has oso told me that her colleagues has sent her some chinese predictions, on how at a certain age period, say between 25 to 30, combine with the yin and yang chart of the months, you can determine the sex of the baby.
at this rate, no one is going to the hospital then.
but i do know, scientifically how to determine the sex of your kiddo.
the male sperm, Y chromosomes are smaller, lighter, faster and more fragile than the female sperm. they like to live in alkaline environments and can survived only three days.
the female sperm, X chromosomes are bigger, heavier, slower and not as fragile as male sperm, so tend to live longer. they usually prefer acidic conditions and can survived up to seven days.
so if you are trying to conceive a boy you should time intercourse on the day of ovulation or just after so that the fast swimmers can reach the egg first.
and if you are trying to conceive a girl you should time intercourse as far as way from ovulation as possible, while still being in your fertile period.
get it?
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