miRacLe: The Dentist
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Tuesday, May 24, 2005

The Dentist

Was on the way back home when I suddenly remember that I have not gone back to NUH for my orthodontics preview.

It was supposed to be scheduled in Jan this year, but till now I still have not called the clinic up to fix an appointment!


Anyway, dun really look forward to it.

First of all, the stupid hospital is soooo damn far away!

Secondly, to make matters worse, the bus co has scraped off the direct bus from my house to the place.

Thirdly, I am simply dragging my feet to go back to see my new dentist again.

She is my third orthodontist being assigned to me, and the fiercest of them all.

I have forgotten to bring my retainers for the checkup last year and she gave me a real big piece of her mind, practically screaming at me, and mind you, she is only a postgrad student doing her clinical training.

Mua a working professional not some small kids, and there's gotta to be better manners to handle it.

Mad woman...

Anyway, every time I think of my orthodontic treatment, I would think of my first orthodontist, Dr Yong, who followed thru' almost the whole process before he graduated from his postgrads.

This guy is a real charmer and very witty.

I was one of his first few patients.

I remembered when I first walked into the clinic, I was frightened.... almost shivering.

Those days under the lunatic nurse during my secondary school years have left a permanent and unpleasant impressions on dentists.

She has never failed to insult us on oral hygiene, and I have seen girls crying on the dentist chair from her sarcasm.

But that day when I walked into clinic two at NUH, what I saw was a small built and cheerful young man beeming brightly at me.

Not wanting to be taken by that momentarily friendliness, which I thought was juz a con (dun ask me why) after all my turmoils in school, I sat down with a faint smile and pulled on a straight face after that.

He was abit fearful of me at first seeing my aloofness, and went on to ask the necessary questions on my medical history with extreme politeness.


And I was wondering if his smile was really sincere as most medical and dental students struck me as arrogant.

But soon, of course, my defence broke after realising he was so witty and and indeed friendly.

We clicked so well and cracked so much jokes that in the end all the nurses and consultants in the clinic knew us and sometimes they even joined in the fun.

And this dentist of mine can be very nosey at times. So were his three coursemates.

Sometimes when we heard screams or groaning from the other cubicles, Dr Yong would be scrambling quickly to the other cubicle to it check out.

He would then come back with a satisfied smile and reveal what he has discovered.

And we thought only women are nosey!

In addition, all of them like to gossips alot too!

They would often talked about the consultants, or shared their childhood stories which always had me trembling with laughter on the chair when I overheard, and Dr Yong would have to stop for awhile for me to calm down.

And he would often teased me like a little girl even though I am a grown woman.

Many a times, when he tried to pull out the mould from my mouth, he would pretend to be unable to pluck it out full force purposely till I have mumbled a loud 'ahh...'.

One of the consultants was another guy who always make my trip an interesting one.

Consultant AK, what maeve has nicknamed him, was a very intelligent but effeminate guy.

*Now you know why my frenz gave him the initials AK*

He always have a very loud dress sense, wearing bright or cartoons ties to the clinic.

Sometimes when consultant AK was explaining all the theories to Dr Yong and his two classmates using my teeth as a reference, I would listen with them at the same time.

The consultant would always end up lecturing the materials to me too, and gave me a wide grin end of it, and all of us would burst into laughters.

Sometimes Dr Yong or his classmates would also help me choose the rubber band colors for my braces, and we ended up mixing and matching the colors together to get the effect.

Those were the great times I have at the dental clinic.

Never expect the treatment to be so fun and I always look forward to it every month.

Now I wonder how Dr Yong is doing. He should be a well qualified orthodontist now, and part of his success has been contributed by me okie (",)

Too bad he is taken, else... hehe.

Now I have to decide when shall I place the appointment with the new orthodontist, Dr Tigress.

If only his course lasted five years instead of three....



Blogger MyOrangeSweater chuckled...

Says who that women are more nosey than men. How about those men we know? Ain't they nosey too: Seanie Boy, Kitty, Mel .. all very nosey one wat?! What about Sammy and A-Roi Tai, J-Ong? Also very nosey ...

1:32 AM  
Blogger Miracle chuckled...

you die! i forward this msg to them! tell them u said tt they are nosey! =P

1:30 PM  
Blogger MyOrangeSweater chuckled...

Heyyyyy, dun sabo me lah. But nebermind, I far far away, then oso cannot get their hands on me, haha. Anyway, those "a-sohs" should know that they are nosey wat, they know themselves best, hehee. BTW, what happened to Kitty? Leave all of a sudden? Nobody update me leh ...

8:49 PM  

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